Evidences An Injury Lawyer In Chatham May Evaluate To Determine Liability After Truck Accidents

A collision with a semi-trailer truck may result in a devastating accident for the drivers of both vehicles. However, the drivers of automobiles or other vehicles may receive severer injuries in comparison to a truck's driver. It is not uncommon for the victims of the truck accidents to receive TBI or spinal column injuries. This type of injury may greatly limit a victim's ability to perform the basic duties of life or the ability to perform any vocational duty. Internal bleeing is another debilitating injury resulting from truck accidents. Hence, a victim of trucking accident is eligible to receive a substantial amount of compensatory damage from a defendant. An experienced injury lawyer in Chatham can help a victim avail adequate amount of compensation.

The victims of trucking accidents may use this compensatory damage to avail sufficient medical treatment or to pay for other facilities that he/she may need due to having the disability. However, the insurers of the trucking companies or truck drivers are not keen on paying any compensatory damage despite having sufficient evidence of disability in a victim. A personal injury lawyer in Chatham can prevent the insurance companies from limiting the amount of compensation after presenting a collection of corroborating and irrefutable evidence. The evidences play crucial role in any lawsuit. In personal injury lawsuits, the amount of compensatory damage depends as much upon the evidence as a lawyer's expertise.

Evidence to Ascertain a Truck-Driver's Liability

Every injury lawyer in Chatham scrutinizes a truck driver's log-book or other equivalent and supporting documentation in order to find out if an accident happened due to a driver's fatigue. Every truck driver is supposed to work for a specified period of time.The fatigue or lack of sleep may lead to inattentiveness and may finally lead to an accident. Hence, it is vital evidence.The result of the post-collision drug and alcohol screening is equally important evidence.This result enables a personal injury lawyer to determine if an accident happened due to the influence of drug or alcohol.

Evidence to Ascertain a Driver's/Trucking Company's Liability

It is not easy driving a semi-trailer truck. Therefore, the drivers require special training and license in order to have the ability to drive the trucks without causing any accident. A personal injury lawyer in Chatham may inspect a driver's qualification and training files in order to determine if a trucking company was irresponsible at the time of recruitment. This evidence may hold a truck's owner along with the driver liable for a victim's losses. An injury lawyer may even check a truck's maintenance history and inspection history in order to determine an owner's liability.

Evidence to Ascertain the Loading Company's Liability

A truck may run into an accident due to overloaded cargo or due to incorrect distribution of the cargo. A personal injury lawyer in Chatham may examine the weight tickets, bills of lading,trip envelopes, dispatch instructions or delivery documents to determine if the loading company is liable for a victim's losses. For more information visit here: AB Personal Injury Lawyer

Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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